Here are some of our favorites:

Everything changed for Clare when she realized she couldn't afford the stunning Japanese patchwork pants she was dying to buy. Instead of lamenting, she bought a sewing machine from Walmart and recreated them. The sewing turned into a basic skill which landed her a job making curtains for Philadelphia based artist, Alex Da Corte. With time, Clare worked with, through and around Alex, appearing in his work here and there. After leaving Philadelphia and moving to LA, Clare was working on a project abroad and had the chance to visit the beautiful Louisiana Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark, where her old boss Alex had an installation showing. She arrived to the museum alone and in the entrance was struck by a giant poster of herself, coincidentally wearing the very pants she made, the pants that got her the job, a job with the artist that put her in the artwork of the museum who's exhibition she was attending. Of course she bought the poster. She told the staff that that was her in the poster, they didn't care. She was laughing though.

After her time as an artist assistant, Clare moved to Los Angeles and grew her career as a multifaceted creative director. She directs, she shoots photos, she works primarily with musicians creating album campaigns and live tours. Her work is colorful, pop and subversive. And as a perk, her Instagram is peppered with DIY self portraits that are playful and referential. The worlds she builds aren't too different from the set ups she played in for Alex da Corte's museum works. Perhaps it's something in the water in Philadelphia, or a cheeky torch being passed down from one generation to the next.

Clare visited New York last week and saw Alex's video installation at the Whitney Biennial. She sat there overwhelmed in awe of the work and emotional from the memories flooding in about their time together. Life was simpler before moving to LA. It was dirtier, cheaper, trashier, less judgmental and more raw. Los Angeles is an amazing place for industry opportunities, but let us not forget it's a city built upon the capitalization of image. It's refreshing to know that as an image maker, Clare is bringing some of that Philly humanism into her work. Her hands-on approach of making those patchwork pants hasn't gone away, and may in fact be the very secret sauce to her journey of colorful creative endeavors.
We can't wait to see where Clare goes next!
Check her out and see why she continues to be our favorite: